Live Workshop: Brand Building with LinkedIn

This workshop will help you drive brand-building activity on LinkedIn.

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About this course

This instructor-led, application-based workshop aims to explain why brand building is strategic to a brand's growth, the content types that support brand building, and ways to measure brand-building success.

After this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Use strategic brand-building content that is memorable, relevant, and impactful.
  • Measure the success of your brand-building campaign and create a brand-lift study.

The live workshop runs for 60 minutes via Zoom Webinar – 50 minutes for the instructor-led session, plus 10 minutes to answer your questions live.


This workshop is intended for those who are responsible for or influence brand-building strategies at a company or ad agency. We recommend that participants have:

  • A basic understanding of marketing strategy, and
  • Recently completed the LinkedIn Marketing Strategy certification and would like to reinforce the brand-building concepts in an application-based workshop.

The speakers

Sopna Nair
Principle Education Lead, LinkedIn
LinkedIn Certified Marketing Expert

Attend sessions hosted by our LinkedIn Certified Marketing Experts and learn directly from these accredited B2B Thought Leaders

Ready to get started?

  • Select Register for the event time that works best for you in the table. Upon selecting Register, you are automatically registered in the course and event.
  • To see the event details, navigate to the live event lesson from the curriculum navigation or select Start or Resume. You can download the calendar invitation for the event from the live event lesson.
  • On the day of the scheduled event, you will launch the event from the live event lesson page in this course. You are able to launch the event 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. When you launch the event, the Zoom Webinar will launch in the application.

Live Workshop: Brand Building with LinkedIn

Event Date Spaces left Actions
[Virtual] Brand Building with LinkedIn by a LinkedIn Certified Marketing Expert - Unlimited
[Virtual] Brand Building with LinkedIn - Unlimited
[Virtual] Brand Building with LinkedIn by a LinkedIn Certified Marketing Expert - Unlimited
[Virtual] Brand Building with LinkedIn by a LinkedIn Certified Marketing Expert - Unlimited

Curriculum60 minutes

  • Live Workshop: Brand Building with LinkedIn
  • Course Review

About this course

This instructor-led, application-based workshop aims to explain why brand building is strategic to a brand's growth, the content types that support brand building, and ways to measure brand-building success.

After this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Use strategic brand-building content that is memorable, relevant, and impactful.
  • Measure the success of your brand-building campaign and create a brand-lift study.

The live workshop runs for 60 minutes via Zoom Webinar – 50 minutes for the instructor-led session, plus 10 minutes to answer your questions live.


This workshop is intended for those who are responsible for or influence brand-building strategies at a company or ad agency. We recommend that participants have:

  • A basic understanding of marketing strategy, and
  • Recently completed the LinkedIn Marketing Strategy certification and would like to reinforce the brand-building concepts in an application-based workshop.

The speakers

Sopna Nair
Principle Education Lead, LinkedIn
LinkedIn Certified Marketing Expert

Attend sessions hosted by our LinkedIn Certified Marketing Experts and learn directly from these accredited B2B Thought Leaders

Ready to get started?

  • Select Register for the event time that works best for you in the table. Upon selecting Register, you are automatically registered in the course and event.
  • To see the event details, navigate to the live event lesson from the curriculum navigation or select Start or Resume. You can download the calendar invitation for the event from the live event lesson.
  • On the day of the scheduled event, you will launch the event from the live event lesson page in this course. You are able to launch the event 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. When you launch the event, the Zoom Webinar will launch in the application.

Live events

Live Workshop: Brand Building with LinkedIn

Event Date Spaces left Actions
[Virtual] Brand Building with LinkedIn by a LinkedIn Certified Marketing Expert - Unlimited
[Virtual] Brand Building with LinkedIn - Unlimited
[Virtual] Brand Building with LinkedIn by a LinkedIn Certified Marketing Expert - Unlimited
[Virtual] Brand Building with LinkedIn by a LinkedIn Certified Marketing Expert - Unlimited

Curriculum60 minutes

  • Live Workshop: Brand Building with LinkedIn
  • Course Review